Sunday, October 24, 2010

Online Visualizations

Diversity is defined in several different manners depending on the topic at hand. However, when you get down to it, it is basically the range and variety of whatever is being observed/examined/studied etc. In my topic, diversity among tech users covers an array of individuals. The most noticeable diversity classification is considered to be age. At least that is how many see it. Take the picture above for example, one of the words describing digital diversity is "youth." Age, seems to bring about an interesting topic. Many people assume only the youth and young are able to tame the technological world and disregard the skills of those who are older. Age becomes very visible as in the picture above as well; the young people are depicted as the wireless mouse and the older individuals are depicted as the bottom left mouse. All of those ranging in between and also depending on your skill are represented as the other mouses. However, the following photographs depict the diversity that can be found amongst all techies, no matter what age they are.

Of course, most of these photographs are used for commercials or marketing and do not provide a great deal of (useful) information. But, they do take into consideration the classifications. For instance, the last photograph of the senior citizens using the computer on the left was used in a TV commercial for an internet company. The company tried advertising that their internet is useful for all and for everything, even e-mailing photographs of grandkids to their tech-savvy grandparents. However, I think most of these pictures are generic; used as attention grabbers to those who fall under their classification. Therefore, I think that in order for them to provide educational or useful information at all about diversity, the photo must be accompanied by a caption or an article.

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